Investment Qualification
The Funds produced and/or managed by Lanleigh® Capital Pty Ltd (ABN 19 604 537 260) are not and are not required to be registered under section 601ED of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) of Australia. Application to invest in the Funds is open to Eligible Investors only. Accordingly, the Lanleigh® Capital website and its information is intended exclusively for such persons.
The Lanleigh® Capital website and the information therein has been prepared only for use by prospective investors who qualify as 'Eligible Investors'. In Australia, an investor qualifies as an Eligible Investor if they are a 'wholesale client' (including wholesale, sophisticated, and professional investors) or a person who satisfies the Trustee of the Fund that it is not a 'retail client' within the meaning of the Corporations Act, and who otherwise satisfies the Trustee's investment criteria.
Although Retail Investors are generally ineligible and excluded, qualification as Eligible Investor may include any other type of investor otherwise approved by the Trustee. Applications are approved by the Trustee at its discretion who, at its absolute discretion, reserves the right to refuse or decline to accept any investment applications.
This website and the information it contains does not constitute and should not be construed as an offer, invitation, proposal, or recommendation to apply to invest in a Fund by persons who are not Eligible Investors. Applications or any requests for information from persons who are not deemed Eligible Investors will not be accepted.
For more information, please refer to the relevant sections of the Website Terms of Use.